Thursday, September 29, 2011

Don't Worry, Bee Happy & Cacaoliscious Shake


Squirt of Epicuren Propolis Throat Spray or a sprinkle of fresh bee pollen granules
Sprinkle of Raw Cacao Nibs, Shelled Hemp Seeds & Goji Berries
Spoonful of Raw Honey
1/2 frozen Banana
1 packet Sunrider Simply Herbs Nuplus
1 packet Sunrider Quinary
16 oz. of either Sunrider Calli tea (originally steeped in 2 qt. water), or add 1 packet Sunrider Fortune Delight to 16 oz. purified water

Add to a bender & enjoy!

Pea-nutty Nanarific Berry Coco Madness


Sprinkle of Raw Cacao Nibs, Shelled Hemp Seeds, Goji Berries, frozen rasberries
1 frozen banana
3 sloppy spoonfuls of organic & unsalted peanut butter
1 packet of Sunrider Simply Herbs NuPlus
1 packet of Sunrider Quinary
16 oz. Sunrider Calli tea, made from 2qt. originally.

Put this all in a blender & enjoy feeling satisfied & full for a few hours <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air and, in Eastern Philosophy, wood is the element that is associated with this season. Creation, birth, new growth and abundance surrounds us during this rejuvenating time of year. Of the five systems, Spring is associated with the Immune system. Defense is the fifth of seven major priorities for the body. The seven major priorities, in order of importance, are crucial and muscular functions, cleansing, fat maintenance, defense, regeneration and higher mind. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on the Immune System, our personal defense system.
From a physical-nutritional standpoint, when the body is well-nourished, clean and all other insults are removed each and every one of us is capable of obtaining a higher mind. What determines the step of priorities we operate on is how well we balance our nourishment (good food in) and cleansing (toxins out). Gallbladder and liver are the organs associated with Spring. Bile is stored in the gallbladder, a very important function for normal digestive function. Cleansing and breaking down sugar, fat and cholesterol are the main functions of the liver. Stagnation in the liver can lead to imbalance, depression, and fatigue, while hyperactivity can lead to anger, insomnia and dizziness. Mucus-forming foods such as meat and dairy lead to stagnation in the liver. We also hold and encounter a lot of emotional activity in our liver. In particular, the emotion of self-protective anger.
From a more spiritual standpoint, the Solar plexus, third chakra, or Manipura is the chakra that affects and is affected by the liver and gallbladder. Disfunction in the Solar Plexus can affect our ability to discriminate and assert ourselves. This is a very logical, sophisticated, confident and suspicious chakra. To help rebalance your third chakra, sit in a comfortable position, cradle your hands around the space in front of your upper abdomen and connect with the color yellow, the feeling of the chakra and the sound “Ramn.” Give thanks and gratitude for this chakra’s participation in your life.
Another way you can rebalance the liver and gallbladder are by massaging along the meridians, or energetic pathways. For the liver start on the inside of your big toes and massage up the inner leg line, swing out at the hip and up to just under the pectoral muscle, go in and end right beneath the nipple. For the gall bladder start at the temples, swirl around above the ear and then go down the back of the ear, swing up toward the hairline above your forehead, then back down the back of your head, off the lip of your shoulder blade and hugging in at the lowest rib, continuing down to the top of the hip, outer hip socket and down the outer leg and outer foot and ending at the fourth toe.
For me, spring is a time of cleansing, purging what no longer serves you and seeing what stays. Enjoy this rejuvenating time of year!
Information from this article was obtained through the following books: Energy Medicine by Donna Eden, Feed Your Body, Energize Your Life by Dr. Jane Hendricks and from years of reading on the subject.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Matters of the Heart

The human heart works hard in pumping 5 liters of blood a minute. Almost everyone knows somebody who has been affected by heart disease as it has been the number one cause of death for more than 100 years now.
By the time the cease-fire agreement between North and South Korea was signed in 1953, 30,000 American Soldiers had given their lives in honor of their country. Shortly after, a landmark study on heart disease was conducted by American Military Medical Investigators and was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Of 300 male soldiers, 77.3% has serious signs of heart disease. These men were is great physical shape, so how could this be? Researchers set out to find the answer.
In the Framingham Study 5,000 male and female residents of Framingham, Massachusetts were chosen to study and write about in over 1,000 scientific articles on the risk factors involved in developing heart disease. It was found that high cholesterol and blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking and obesity all play a major role in developing heart disease.
We know that diet is a major risk factor for heart disease. Comparatively, American men die from heart disease at a rate seventeen times that of Chinese men. This evidence sends a strong message for a call to action, a change in the way we think about food.
American men eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) lack enough whole grains, fruits and vegetables and over indulge in fat and animal protein. Eating SAD for a prolonged period of time ultimately weakens the heart and circulation of vital nutrients and oxygen to the body. Meat, dairy, sugar and processed foods fill up much of the standard American’s diet and illicit an immune response in the body, releasing endorphins, neurotransmitters produced by the pituitary gland that give us a happy feelings. We become addicted to these foods because we associate them with being happy.
We may see the value in changing, but, have a hard time getting there because of the addicting nature of these foods. It will be a learning experience that will not be supported by mainstream. You will start shopping at “health food stores” instead of grocery stores, and, because we are a very food centered country, it will mean a cultural and social bow out in many ways. It will be tough, but your life may depend on it. If everyone started buying health food, our food supply would adapt. Its simple supply and demand. “Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs.  We live by the death of others:  we are burial places!  I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.  ~Leonardo da Vinci. Statistical information was obtained from “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Holistic Approach to Kidneys

Chinese medicine looks to nature to explain patterns found in the human body. More than 5,000 years of empirical knowledge back up a correlation between the five elements, the five systems of the body, and the five seasons. Winter, summer, late summer, autumn and spring are the five seasons recognized by Eastern philosophy. Water corresponds to the Circulatory system, which circulates and filters our fluids and Winter, a time for going inward and calming down. Wood corresponds to the Immune system, our strength, and Spring time when everything is fresh and new birth and growth is abundant. Fire corresponds to the Endocrine system where reproduction and passion occur and Summer when we are taking action. Earth, corresponds to the Digestive system, where we break down our food into usable nutrients and Late Summer, where we see the fruits of our labor and can celebrate. Lastly, metal corresponds to the Respiratory system, where we exchange and circulate many crucial elements and Autumn when we release, cleanse and reflect. The Chinese have found that our bodies needs and functions differ as we cycle through the five seasons.
Our current season, Winter, is ruled by water and connected to the Circulatory system, which is composed of the water balancing organs. These organs include the kidneys, bladder, adrenals, teeth, bones and reproductive organs. Hollow organs in the Circulatory system empty, transform, separate and excrete. Solid organs store fluids.
Kidneys are thought of as the “root of life” in Chinese medicine. From a holistic approach kidneys control the aging process as they collect, filter and store our vital energy or essences. They filter 2.75 liters of fluids 65 times a day. In yoga we call it prana, meaning life force. In the China they call it Qi and in the West we call it enzymes. I don’t know about you, but I want to have the most beautiful essence I possibly can so i can fulfill my highest purpose and not have my health or wellness be whats holding me back.
Symptoms are outward manifestations of a deeper problem in the body, so treating them is not getting to the true root of the problem. Find the root of the problem. Weakness in the kidneys show up as issues with hair, teeth, blood and urine. Symptoms include premature hair loss, weak or brittle hair or teeth, discolored or flat looking hair, high blood pressure, edema, reproductive issues and cysts or fibroids in the kidneys.
Just as we see nature living holistically, so should we think holistically about our mind, body, spirit connection. A holistic approach considers earth, plants and our bodies to be connected and work together. We see this in that earth, our bodies and plants are all composed of 70% water. Eat living foods, foods grown from the earth and untouched by man. is the best nutrition for you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nutrition Made Simple

DNA is the most basic unit of life. We are both made up of and communicate through DNA. This genetic code/language is made up of amino acids and amino acids are how we share information and understand our world. An example of this is eating. When we eat, we consume amino acids and we digest, absorb and assimilate them into our bodies. Because both us and our food are made from DNA, and therefore amino acids, it is through this language that our food and bodies communicate.
When amino acids are linked into a chain, it is called a protein. Protein in plants is in amino acid form and in animals is protein form. When plant protein enters the body it is made into the proteins the body needs. When animal protein enters the body, it has to be broken down first into amino acids and then built into the protein it needs. So, consuming animal protein is an extra step for the body and therefore requires more energy.
Not only is it an extra step, but that extra step leaves behind an acidic ash. The body performs optimally when it is kept at a neutral pH and is put under stress if turned acidic. To balance acidic foods it is best to eat alkaline or neutral foods such as fruit, veggies, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains, seaweed, berries, etc. Meat, dairy, eggs, sugar, refined/processed/cooked foods, and protein all leave behind an acidic ash/residue. (Feed Your Body, Energize Your Life by Dr. Jane Hendrix)
Blood especially needs to stay a constant pH, it is the lifeline of the body. If the blood becomes acidic, the body will sacrifice surrounding tissues to keep its perfect integrity. Prolonged acidity in the blood can lead to chronically diseased organs and tissues. Organs and tissues have been showed to heal when kept alkaline and fed well (The China Study by T. Campbell & Feed Your Body, Energize Your Life by Dr. Jane Hendrix)
More than 70 years of comprehensive medical, empirical, and scientific studies have revealed that eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet can help prevent, curb and even reverse most western diseases such as Heart, Bone, Brain, Kidney, Joint, Cell (Cancer), Obesity and Lung Disease (T. Campbell). Evidence also suggests that the cause of this is how we eat, alkaline or acidic (T. Campbell). However, if you are really sick, you will have to confront the disease on the mental, emotional and spiritual level as well the physical (movement and nutrition). Additionally, sometimes the body requires emergency drugs and or surgery, but this should be temporary and the real problem should be addressed. As this year comes to a close and you begin make your usual resolutions, commit this to are perfect and whole just the way you are...and consider this simple basis upon which we are made and make nutritional decisions that allow you to fulfill not just fill yourself this next year. May your new year be filled with health and wellness and lots of laughter .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Importance of Fiber

“We aren’t what we eat, we are what we don’t shit.” -Hugh Romney. Fiber is vital to proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of our food. It helps scrape gunk off our intestinal walls and out of our bodies as waste. According to Dr. Jane Hendricks you need seven types of fiber. These are cellulose, hemicellulose, bran, pectin, gums, lignans and mueselage. “Sprouts, whole grains, vegetables and fruits all produce large, soft, moist, well-formed stools that glide along easily through the intestines.” -John Robbins
Low fiber, high fat diets lead to longer transit times and drying of feces. Hemorrhoids, hiatal hernia, Vericose veins, intractable constipation, bleeding, abdominal pain, appendicitis and diverticulosis are caused by the forceful pushing of old, dry stools through the intestines. Research shows a diet high in fiber and low in fat may prevent and heal most digestive diseases. Although modern western medicine would like to treat symptoms with drugs this only puts a band-aid over the problem of consistently consuming a low fiber, high fat diet, such as the Standard American Diet. If you don’t change the way you eat, you can’t expect true health. Drugs only place a beautiful mask over the real problem beneath the problem.
Meat, dairy, and other fiberless foods result in a build-up of mucoid plaque which mucks up the intestines, slowing down vital absorption and assimilation of nutrients. This, coupled with a severe degradation of nutrients in our soils over the past 50 years through the agricultural revolution, leaves America starving for nutrients. This malnutrition is ironic since we are one of the most overfed countries in the world. In fact Dr. Jane Hendricks, a former naturopathic doctor is convinced that all diseases are caused by either malnutrition or toxicity. She has also been found supporting the dehydrated, concentrated and pure organ-specific food herbs made by Sunrider International as a way to compensate for the nutritional gap in America’s food industry. Your colon muscles need to be smooth and toned to generate powerful, rhythmic contractions (peristalsis) that move waste along. Sunrider’s fibertone tones these muscle and their Sunbar contains 4 types of fiber to clean out the intestines. Quinary, their 50 herb formulation is broken down into 5 formulations which feed the five systems of the body: immune, circulatory, endocrine, digestive and respiratory. Assimilaid is the formulation name for the herbs that feed the digestive system. Contact me for more information on nutrition and Sunrider.